How useful is the diet?


Metabolic Balance: The tailor-made metabolism program promises easier weight loss through the right foods. What's behind it?

What is Metabolic Balance?

The aim of the metabolism programs is to turn bad feed converters into good ones. With an individual meal plan, the metabolism should be boosted so that food is burned faster and we can lose weight. Because: Everyone has individual metabolism.

If two people of the same weight and height eat the same thing, one may lose weight and the other gains weightThis is due to the different speeds at which the metabolic enzymes work, for example burning fat quickly or slowly. The speed in turn is determined by the genetic makeup.

What does such a metabolism program look like?

In a vital profile, weight and body fat percentage are measured for the diet, and nutritional habits and family history are queried. Blood analysis shows whether important vitamins are missing (for example folic acid) or whether there is too much cholesterol or sugar in the blood. After the blood test, Metabolic Balance has a tailor-made nutrition plan, a list of foods that you should eat or avoid to lose weight. The program runs in four phases:

  • Phase 1: preparatory phases (two days)
  • Phase 2: Strict changeover (at least two weeks)
  • Phase 3: Loose changeover (at least one month)
  • Phase 4: Conservation (as long as you want)

Some of the recommendations for the Metabolic Balance nutritional concept are the same for all participants:

  • No carbohydrate suppliers such as potatoes, pasta, white flour, sugar, fat, and alcohol at the beginning of the cure and during the transition phase.  
  • The main focus of the nutrition plan is fish and poultry, as well as plenty of fruit and vegetables. 
  • There are differences in the types of fruit and vegetables: For example, some are zucchini and watermelons that are supposed to stimulate combustion, while others may have tomatoes and green peppers.
  • An apple a day should be eaten. 
  • The diet is not changed overnight: It starts with a two-week changeover phase in which very few calories are eaten. Afterward, there is more to eat to suppress food cravings, and "cheat days" may also be on the diet plan. Until the blood values ​​or weight are normal again.
  • In the subsequent so-called maintenance phase, you no longer have to limit yourself in terms of quantity, but you should eat a balanced diet. Cheat days are still allowed in the nutrition program.
  • To stay lean and healthy with the metabolism program, it is recommended to take a five-hour break between meals and not to eat anything after 7 p.m.

These foods are allowed at Metabolic Balance

Also, those who want to lose weight should continue to stick to their personal grocery list. For most of the participants, this list includes a lot of vegetables and fruit and little fat - by now at the latest, the foods in the nutrition plans are very similar.

Can our metabolism be accelerated by food?

There are different views on this. It is true that to a certain extent one can influence metabolism through food. Nutritionists, however, doubt that individual foods can increase the speed of metabolic enzymes. This has not been scientifically proven.

Can Metabolic Balance alleviate diseases?

According to the doctor's experience, this diet can be used to get a grip on symptoms such as circulatory disorders, regular migraines, or allergies. The weight loss is more of a side effect. But: So far, there are no scientific studies on metabolic change. Diseases such as gout, high blood pressure, or diabetes also improve if you follow your weight loss regimen accordingly.

What experiences do the participants have?

It certainly depends on how comfortable you feel with it and how disciplined you are. Allegedly there are already 30,000 satisfied participants. "They are not only slimmer but also feel more energetic and fitter", so the experience of internist Wolf Funfack, founder of the Metabolic Balance program.

If the weight goes up again, you should stick to the plan more strictly. The doctor does not consider sport to be decisive right from the start: "Many people feel like exercising later on when they are more flexible again. At the beginning of the metabolism program, the participants lose weight even without sport, and this motivates the very overweight in general to continue with the program. "

Is there any criticism of the metabolic balance program?

The nutritionist Volker Schusdziarra from the Technical University of Munich says no. He has no concerns about the menus or metabolic diets: "You can't go wrong there. Even in the transition phase, when there is little to eat, we pay attention to a diet rich in vitamins." If people detox with such a method, Schusdziarra says, it is due to the change in diet and the fact that they take in fewer calories than they use. "A blood test is not necessary for this."

The Munich-based nutritionist Hannelore Daniel can at least get something out of the idea of ​​the individual program. But more for psychological than medical reasons: "People are far more likely to stick to personal recommendations than to general advice."

Who offers Metabolic Balance?

The method of the internist and nutritionist Dr. Wolf Funfack is offered throughout Germany via a network of doctors, naturopaths, and nutrition specialists. Participation costs from 400 euros, which are not covered by statutory health insurance. There are also various guides and cookbooks by Dr. Wolf Funfack (Südwest Verlag).

Beware of scammers! 

Not every metabolic program provider can be trusted. It is best if someone with a medical or naturopathic background is behind it. Supervisors like Funfack or Lothar Ursinus work to guarantee a certain standard for their network employees.

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